Current date/time is Mon May 06, 2024 7:21 am

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XplosiveGFX, Rules. - Do-not spam or post short meaning less replies.- Please keep the discussion on topic, off topic tangents will be deleted.- Don't flame.- Don't post in a topic over 5 days old. The quick reply box has a warning.- Making repetitive threads- Making poor complaints - Board specific rules will be stickied in that board.- Don't post topics that suggest some one as a mod or where you ask for mod.- When posting a topic use the correct format for that section. - Don't attempt to steal other peoples work. - Don't post tutorials that are not yours (Unless you explain they are not yours). - Don't ask for staff. - Don't Insult staff. Shoutbox rulesRules:-Do not spam the shoutbox.-Do not insult a staff member.-Do not ask to become a staff member unless in this Board.-Do not massively insult any member of ExplosiveGFX.-Always listen to what staff members indicate that you do.-Never advertise another website.-Please do not swear excessively.-If you are asking a question repeatedly, that will be considered as spam.-Have fun.Specific rules/Behaviour1. You may not post on ExplosiveGFX any material, or otherwise engage in any conduct that:•Violates or infringes the rights of others including but not limited to: trademarks, copyrights, or personal information.•is threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, deceptive, fraudulent, or contains explicit or graphic descriptions or accounts of: sexual acts or the intent to commit any of the above.•victimizes, harasses, degrades, or intimidates a member on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, or age.•impersonates any member or staff by using their account to gain access to sections normally not accessible.•contains viruses or any other computer code, files or programs that interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software. (Warez, Serial Keys)2. You will NOT:•use ExplosiveGFX in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair our webiste or interfere with any other member's use and enjoyment.•attempt to gain unauthorized access to any member's account through hacking, password mining or by any other means.•post unsolicited bulk communications (SPAM) in general forums or by Private Message (PM).•beg, scam, or cheat to gain Planet Render points.•use any Forum error, bug, or glitch for yours or any other members personal gain.3. Staff reserves the right, in sole discretion, to warn, suspend, or ban your access to all or part of ExplosiveGFX, with or without notice.4. There will be strictly no sharing of accounts allowed nor duplicate accounts associated with a registering main account.Any rule breakers WILL be dealt with. Thanks from the XplosiveGFX Staff.AND NEVER! EVER! ASK BRETT FOR PIKACHU!I would also like to thank Dylan for some of these rules <3 IF YOU ARE AN EMPLOYEE OF JAGEX DON'T ENTER OR SITE.